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St Joseph's Secondary School, Tulla

HSE Let's talk about drugs


Substance Use Education Programme for 2nd yr. parents and pupils

Poster Details HERE

Letter from HSE HERE

The HSE education programme, called “Lets Learn about Drugs and Alcohol Together”,
will be held afterschool for second year parents and all pupils of St. Joseph’s Secondary School,
Tulla, this October.

The programme is a substance use education programme designed to support Junior
Cycle, SPHE - Social, Personal and Health Education, and is unique to the Midwest. Developed
in 2013, the programme is offered free of charge to all schools across the Midwest.

The programme takes place after school and involves two sessions delivered across
subsequent weeks. The first session isfor parents/guardiansto learn about substance use for
this important age group. The second session (a week later) is for the parent/guardian and

The dates for the programme are:

Tuesday Oct 15
7.00 – 9.00 p.m. parent only


Tuesday Oct 22nd 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. parent & child

Registration is not essential but will help us to determine numbers interested. If you wish to
attend please text your NAME followed by the word “TULLA” to (086) 6032 369 to confirm
interest. You are under no obligation to attend if you text.
Please know that these sessions are not lectures. If you have any questions or queries please
do not hesitate to contact me directly, visit our website or alternatively contact
Simon Maguire, SPHE Co-ordinator.

Jan 31
Mock Examinations
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Mar 08
Incoming first year Entrance Exams (Provisional date)
Apr 12
SEC Leaving Cert Oral Examinations
Tulla, Co. Clare, V95TY26
065 683 5113
© 2025 St Joseph's Secondary School, Tulla